Agriculture Classes
Below is a list of agriculture classes offered at Liberty High School along with small details to allow you to chose the best class for your needs and interests!
Plant Science (Johnston)
This course is a 10-12th grade class. This class is part of the ornamental horticulture pathway. Students will receive science credit in the A-G courses. In this class students will learn topics such as irrigation, plant classification, and growing techniques.
Art & History of Floral Design (Tomasello)
This class is a 10 - 12th grade class. This class is part of the ornamental horticulture pathway. Students in this class will receive Art credit towards their A-G courses. Students in this class will have the opportunity to make hands-on arrangements. If you're interested in buying flowers from the students please reach out and Ms. Tomasello can help you!
Animal Science (Johnston & Lopez)
This course is a 10-12th grade class. This class is part of the animal science pathway. In this class students will earn science credit towards the A-G courses. Students will gain basic knowledge on animal sciences, mostly related to livestock animals.
Veterinary Science (Johnston)
This course is a 11-12th grade class. This class is part of the animal science pathway, students must take the animal science course prior to this class. Students will earn science credit towards the A-G courses. In this class the topics will be more in depth and heavily focused on anatomy & physiology.
Sustainable Ag Biology (Tomasello)
This course is a 9th grade only course and is part of the agriscience pathway. This course fulfills the D science credit in replacement of Living Earth. My goal is to provide NGSS-based instruction that will foster a fascination with Biology and agriculture and motivate students to become more excited about science in their lives.
Ag & Soil Chemistry (Lopez)
This course is a 10th grade course and is apart of the agriscience pathway. Students who enroll in this course will receive D science credit. In this course students will learn various topics on soil as well as chemistry when related to agriculture.
Agriculture Leadership & Communications (Johnston)
This is a 10-12th grae elective course for students who are heavily involved in the FFA program. Students in this course will learn how to communicate professionally and plan events for the FFA program.
Introduction to Agriculture Mechanics (Lopez)
This is a 10-12th grade course, fulfilling the G elective. In this course students will learn basic shop skills such as woodworking, plumbing, electrical, and much more!
Do you know which agriculture classes to take next year? Follow this easy flow chart for guidance!