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Conference Information!
Unsure of which conference to attend? Read below for more information.  

Greenhand Leadership Conference (Freshman)
This conference introduces students to the benefits and opportunities in agricultural education, including Supervised Agricultural Experiences and FFA. The overall outcome of this conference is for students to get hooked on the opportunities available to them in the FFA. Students discover the three pillars to success (Me, We, Serve) and how those pillars relate to the overall foundation of the FFA. The students will identify individual strengths they bring to a group, discover how to use those strengths while working with others, and where they can take those strengths beyond the conference experience. Students will be engaged as they leave, ready to take on opportunities the FFA has to offer and continue to grow and develop as a student leader. This year Brentwood FFA will take 18 freshman to Petaluma for this one day conference on September 24th, 2024! Applications are out on August 29th and will close on September 5th! Please reach out to an advisor if there are any questions! 
Made For Excellence - 2nd year members
Get ready for an adventure unlike anything you have experienced so far: a jam-packed weekend where sophomore FFA members explore the truth about leadership, the influence an individual can have and find themselves in this one of a kind relationship building experience! You will spend the weekend learning about your core values and how to genuinely connect with other individuals. Enjoy time in a nice hotel, experience a crazy dance and meet FFA members from across your region here at MFE: Adventure Awaits! This year Brentwood FFA will take a range of students to Monterey in January 2025. Please keep an eye out for when applications are available and as always reach out to an advisor if you have any questions! 
State Leadership Conference - All members
Over 7,000 high school students, advisors and guests attend the largest annual statewide Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) conference in California. The event attracts young agricultural leaders from 356 chapters from throughout California. The conference encourages students to develop personal and team leadership skills, discover agricultural careers, establish lasting friendships and strive for success. This year we will take approximately 24 students to state conference which will be held in Sacramento, CA on April 3-6th. Please keep an eye out for when applications are available and reach out to an advisor if you have any questions! 
Advanced Leadership Academy - 3rd or 4th Year Members
What could your FFA chapter accomplish if it had the tools and strategies to be truly powerful? Get ready for ALA: Be The Change! During this conference, chapter members will discover how to best work on a team in order to achieve a common goal by experiencing the four stages of team development; Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. While working in their chapter teams, students will uncover the steps to developing improvement plans for a chapter event and showcase their idea to other chapters at ALA. Members will leave with dozens of new ideas, ways to add agriculture to any chapter event and the ability to Be The Change in their chapters! This year Brentwood FFA will take a range of students to Monterey in January 2025. Please keep an eye out for when applications are available and as always reach out to an advisor if you have any questions! 
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National FFA Convention - Any member
The National FFA Convention & Expo is all about growing the next generation of leaders. No matter where you are in FFA, you’ll find inspiration and direction to become a leader and influencer, ready to make an impact. During this event, find out who you are, who you want to become and how you can change how the world grows. This year Brentwood FFA will go to Indianapolis, Indiana from October 19th - 26th. We will be bringing a selected 10 students, that applied in spring of 2024.! 

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